Page name: Nami, and the Seven Knights Rp area [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-14 20:04:09
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
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Nami, and the Seven Knights

Nami is being held prisoner in Jin's castle, he plans to kill her the moment she signs her late husbands kingdom over to him, he has not yet told her her husband is dead, but plans to do so soon.
The four remaining knights sent to rescue Nami are just outside the palace, trying to figure out how to rescue her before she signs over the kingdom
We are jumping ahead a few months now. Nami has been rescued, and has also found out that her unborn children are not her husbands, but are Jin's. They have not made it back to Nami's palace yet, due to the fact that things keep happening, either Jin catches up to them, and they have to hide, for Nami's safety, or Jin has sent someone after them to slow them down.


Raidon went off to go face Jin alone. Raidon died in the fight, and some believe Jin is dead as well, but he really isn't. Nami doesn't believe Jin is dead because his body was never found. About a month after she buried her husband, she found out that she was pregnant again, and soon gave birth to Vera, the daughter of Raidon, and the true heir to his throne. The kindom of Nightfell is still on guard, waiting for Jin's attack.
3 years later Vera, Amallia and Azhemin are three years old, and are currently learning to control their abilities. Nami has given each of the Knights that helped her and her children get to the castle safely their own land in the kingdom, and also lead their own groups of knights on patrols, looking for signs of Jin, or his wife, or his followers.
Nami has also allowed Morganis to stay in the castle, It took Nami almost a year to move on after the death of Raidon, the pain of losing him a second time proved to be more than she could handle for a long time. Morganis helped her the whole way. And now they are together...

Nami, and the seven knights *Jin's Castle*-Where Jin, and followers of jin can

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2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Your welcome little one."

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "Lucas tried to negotiate with him at first, but one night the demon came and he killed his family. Lucas was married and had children and he lost them all in one night. " she sighed "our elders say that when he discovered his family dead he fell to his knees and he stayed there and wept for days..."

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia smiled and ate

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She sighed. "So, how's your mother? how's Malganis?"

2010-11-28 [Strawboy]: "Tactical error, grief has no place in war" Ion said a little coldly "Grieve later, finish the fight first"

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "but he later killed the demon, and the demons followers flead in fear of his rage...and he built his kingdom. his only living son ruled after his death...which took place when the demons lover came for revenge..."

Amallia looked up at her "...they are fine...and are gonna get married..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled. "that' really? I never expected them get together."

2010-11-28 [Strawboy]: "Of course" Ion said "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and Gods help you if she is a demon"

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: she chuckled "well the son waged war against her for years, until she was finally killed. he named the kingdom after the name their people had given his father after the battle witht the demon.

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: amallia frowned

2010-11-28 [Strawboy]: "So 'Nightfell" originated fro mthe demons?"

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Oh no no no, not like that...You see...Mal is like a brother to me, he talked to me a lot about his affection for her. I just never expected a be marrying a queen. I'm excited for him."

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: "malganis was a slave?" she blinked

Arya nodded "thats what we were told..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Forced to do your father bidding, technically."

2010-11-28 [Strawboy]: Ion thought it over for awhile "So it does sound like it was named after an event in the end"

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned

Arya shrugged "I guess..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She shook her head. "I couldn't stop him, no one could! No even....his brother." she frowned, but t hen shut up quickly as guards walked in.

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia blinked, not understanding, the looked over to the guards "..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She shook her head, as if saying not now.

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia watched the guards "..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The guards left quickly after getting some food. "'d be treason." she'd whisper.

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned and looked back at her

Arya shrugged "I guess your right..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: SHe sighed and fixed herself a sandwich.

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: amallia looked at her again

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She sat down and ate her sandwich.

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: "who were those guys..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Your fathers personal body guards..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [oh oh oh did you listen to that song I sent you :D]

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: [i cant veiw the video on my phone...i have to get on a]

she frowned "oh..."

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [death to love by cradle of filth :D]

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: [ill look it up on my youtube app]

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [yay!]

2010-11-28 [Sonya Blue]: [lol awesome song, i sent it to my bf, he said it was bad]

Amallia finished her food

2010-11-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I know!]

She sighed and smiled at her.

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia smiled back "so you were friends with malganis? and my mom?"

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Your mom....I was kind of her maid. As for Malganis, yeah good friends."

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded a bit "that boy i saved has a picture that looks like malganis...who is that?"

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "What boy?"

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: "a slave boy my dad sent to our room...i didnt like the way he was being treated and got my dad to free him..."

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Hmmm, ah him! yes...He's...I think...Mal's nephew."

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: "So he does have a brother!"

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yeah....did have one."

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned "what happened?"

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "He didn't want his be a slave."

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: "well he isnt now..."

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Really?"

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Good." she whispered.

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: "when our mom and malganis come to save us were going to take him with us..."

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Good..." she smiled.

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: amallia sood and looked at her "i should ger back to them..."

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "as you wish, princess Amallia."

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: she ran around the table and hugged the woman "thank you..."

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She hugged her back.

2010-11-29 [Sonya Blue]: she pulled back and smiled, then ran out of the kitchen

2010-11-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She watched her run off.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she ran back down the hall

2010-11-30 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Amathic was still asleep, as had Azhemin taken a nap.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia walked into the room

2010-11-30 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Azhemin stirred a bit.

Amathic woke up slowly and looked at her.

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: "Its a shame no one actually records history." Ion said "Facts turn to fiction from word of mouth."

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: Arya nodded "yes...I agree..."

Amallia smiled at them "guess what?"

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: "Though in most cases if the kingdom was toppled, all knowledge would be destroyed anyway"

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded slightly, looking forward as she walked

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion and Arya finally exited the forest, a couple meters fro their camp.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she took a deep beeath and looked over at him

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion looked at her "Yes?"

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: se smiled a bit and leaned over to him and kissed his cheek "Thank you...for saving us back there..."

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion blushed a little as he felt her kiss "I-it was nothing, besides, it was my fault in the first place"

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she chuckled "well you still saved us,"

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled a little "I guess"

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she looked forward, wand walked towards camp

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion walked next to her a bit of a smile on his face.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she glanced at him from the corner of her eye as they walked into camp,

her horse trotted up to them.

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: "You keep glancing at me" he chuckled.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled abd pulled a bed roll off the horses back "So?"

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: "So why?" Ion smiled.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she tossed the bed roll to him and pulled another off the horses back "well...maybe it because i like looking at you" she smiled at him

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: "Oh? then the feeling is mutual" he smiled catching the bed roll one handed.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked, and smiled more, she walked over to the fire, and laid out the bed roll

nami was still cuddled up to malganis, sleeping

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion followed but didnt unrol lthe bed roll instead settign it down and using it as a back rest as he sat down.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she sat on the bedroll and looked into the fire

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion kept shifting until he got into a comfortable position.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she laid down on hers, still watching the fire

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she looked back at him

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled a little and looked at the fire.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she sighed softly then closed her eyes

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion sneezed and pulled his cloak around him tightly like a blanket.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she didnt open her eyes "if your cold, scoot closer to the fire..."

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: Ion nodded and sneezed again, moving closer to thee fire and closer to Arya as well.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she kept her eyes closed "better?"

2010-11-30 [Strawboy]: "Much" Ion said, careful not to get to close to the flames.

2010-11-30 [Sonya Blue]: she opened one eye and smiled at him "good..."

2010-12-01 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled back shifting slightly.

2010-12-01 [Sonya Blue]: she looked up to the sky, staying silent

2010-12-01 [Strawboy]: Ion rested his sword against his shoulder and closed his eyes.

2010-12-01 [Sonya Blue]: she looked up at the stars, humming lightly.

2010-12-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "What?" Azhemin asked.

2010-12-01 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled "the man in the picture is Malganis's brother!"

2010-12-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He blinked. "He's our cousin?"

2010-12-01 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled and nodded "isnt that cool!?"

2010-12-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yeah it is!"

2010-12-02 [Sonya Blue]: amallia smiled

2010-12-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Amathic slowly awoke. "What's goin on?" he'd yawn.

2010-12-02 [Sonya Blue]: she looked to amathic "i have good news!"

2010-12-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Hmm?"

2010-12-02 [Sonya Blue]: "your dad is malganis's your going to be our cousin?"

2010-12-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He blinked. "R...really?"

2010-12-02 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled and nodded

2010-12-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He squeed and tackled her.

2010-12-02 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked, nearly falling over.

2010-12-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He hugged her tightly.

2010-12-02 [Sonya Blue]: she hugged him back

2010-12-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Azhemin joined in the hug.

2010-12-02 [Sonya Blue]: amallia pulled back and looked at them

2010-12-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: They both looked at her.

2010-12-12 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled "we all should get some rest..."

Arya had fallen asleep while gazing at the stars

2010-12-12 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol, lost again...]

2010-12-12 [Sonya Blue]: [Jin kidnapped namis nami malganis arya and the other guy have t9o go save them]

2010-12-13 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Both boys nodded.

Malganis looked to Nami. "Think they're coming back?"

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Nami stood "We've rested long enough, I wasn't my children back now..."

Arya was asleep just across from them

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He stood up. "Arya, wake up." he'd say.

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Arya stirred, waking up and looked at them "..."

Nami was getting her horse ready to go

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "It's time..."

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded once, standing up and calling her horse over

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis mounted his horse and looked forward. "Where's the male?"

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: [he should be there, tell stawboy to]

Arya waited for everyone to get ready

Nami was on her horse waiting

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [STRAWBOY, POST DAMNIT]

Malganis sighed and looked to Nami.

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Nami waited on them impaiently

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion sat asleep near the now burnt out fire place, snoring slightly.

[sorry, just broke my net cap XD]

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Owned!]

Malganis grumbled and dismounted lightly nudging Ion with his foot. "Wake up."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: [eh use the last of it on some good stuff, updates for Battlefield 2 and the movie Ultramarines :D]

Ion dodged the foot and was on his feet, his blade humming at Malganises neck. A small trickle of blood ran from his neck, where the blade had cut in. Ion stood up and withdrew his blade "Sorry. Old reflex from sleeping in bandit infested woods" he yawned sheathing his blade.

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Do it wo'nt life to see the next day." he'd say, wiping the blood from his neck.

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "You talk big for someone whos head was nearly torn off" Ion said sleepily packing up his mat and tying it up, placing it on Arya's horse.

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Mhm, killing the future king isn't a smart idea."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "Story of my life, following not so smart ideas" he yawned again "So I take it we are off then?" he said rubbing sleep from his eyes.

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yes..." Malganis answered, remounting his horse and kissing his wifes cheek.

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "so whats the plan?"

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "We kill Jin"

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "That it? thats your plan?" Ion said raising an eyebrow

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I've lived in that place a long time...I know every nook and cranny there."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "Ok, we sneak in, wreak a little mayhem and murder, get your kids and sneak out. Right?"

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yes."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "OK. Well good luck to you" Ion said "Cause this is officially the most suicidal, ill thought out plan i have ever heard, and I have heard some bad ones"

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "By all means, if you do'nt wish to join us..."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "only someone who wants to die and make their kids orphans would go with this plan."

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "THen we let Nami make the plan, she's better at it than I."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "No offense Queen Nami" Ion said looking at her "But as it is your children at stake, I feel any plan you will make will be tempered by your relationship to them"

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Now we wait for Angel.]

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: [yep]

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked to him "then if you have any plans yourself, feel free to speak it..."

Arya was on her horse now

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis looked to him.

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "Very well. I suggest making a distraction, say, someone bringing one of the remaining seven knights to Jin for a reward."

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis rose a brow. "I will not risk Arya's life, afterall...she is basically their aunt!" he snapped.

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Arya blinked "no this idea could work, id be willing to do it to save the children...."

/ami frowned, not liking the idea either

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "Trust me, I have no wish to see Arya harmed either. I will take her to the castle, claiming I have captured ehr for a reward. Jin will be suspicious, which is fine. Once I have Jin alone I will engage him in battle, my fight will draw a lot of guards, which will allow Arya to slip out of the dungeon and find the children." Ion yawned widely "Sorry. Once Arya has the kids they can escape, using one of the secret passages you know about." Ion smiled.

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: " other thing Arya..."

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: arya looked to him "what?"

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "There's a boy...named Scrag...get him out...he' he's my nephew..."

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Arya nodded "I will find him..."

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Thank you...I'm...sorry I never told you Nami..."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "So that plan suit everyone?"

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Arya nodded "it dose.." she held her hand out to him so he could get on the horse

Nami nodded "I'm sure you have your reasons..."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion took it and climbed behind Arya.

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a bit when he go on behind her

Nami sighed "so do the two of us wait here?"

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "No, get somewhere you can see the main gate. Once we are inside move to the secret passages. But be careful, Jin likely stationed guards"

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Nami nodded "alright we will go now then" she looked to malganis "lead the way"

Arya started to ride for the main gates

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion stopped Arya as they were half way. He climbed off the horse "Sorry, but ill need your weapons and ill need to bidn your hands. You need to look like a prisoner."

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him and smirked, removing her sword and handing it to him, then climbing off her horse she removed the dagger she had strapped to her thigh and handed it to him as well.

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion took the weapons and put them on himself "Is that all of it?" he asked. He had been watching particularly closely when Arya had removed the dagger from her thigh.

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: "The rest are on the horse...but you can check if you want..." she held her hands out to him

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis began to get nervous.

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion shook his head "I believe you" he bound her hands gently but firmly.

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Nami stayed close to malganis

Arya smiled at him as he bound her hands

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis smiled. "Nami...I had an idea.." he'd whisper.

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion tested her bonds before leaning in and kissing Arya's lips tenderly.


2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Nami blinked "what is it?"

Arya blinked, blushing slightly "..."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion smiled "You'll get the rest after this rescue is over"

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a bit "then you better keep your ass alive"

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I don't know how things work in your...our kingdom...but I was thinking...we could when theyr'e old enough...get Vera and my nephew...together."

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "I will" he said smirking. He looked at Aryas horse "You need to disappear as well im afraid, I cant ride you up to the gates, it will give me away, go find Nami and her husband and wait there"

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Nami rose a brow "we shall see..."

The horse nodded once and ran off

Arya watched her go, and took a deep breath

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis nodded and looked forward.

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "Ready?" Ion asked

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis smiled. "Reminds me of you and myself...the first time I kissed you. They make a lovely couple."

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Arya nodded "ready..."

Nami chuckled

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis smiled and looked to Nami.

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: "Alright lets go" Ion took the rope holding Aryas hand and walked her for 25 minutes before arriving at Jins gate. "Open up" he yelled to the guards on the wall "I have a prisoner Lord Jin will be interested in"

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: THe guard looked to him. "Oh?" he'd say signaling to open the gate.

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Arya stayed quiet, looking around

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion lead her inside roughly, playing his part as her captor. He threw her roughly onto the ground in the courtyard.

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin was called down so he headed there, slowly.

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: Arya hit the ground, she started to get up slowly, glaring at him

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion kicked her side "Stay down" he spat. He hoped she realized it was just an act.

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin was still on his way.

2010-12-24 [Sonya Blue]: She listened, staying down and keeping her eyes to the ground

2010-12-24 [Strawboy]: Ion tapped his sheathed blade impatiently on his shoulder.

2010-12-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin finally arrived and looked down. "Well well...the last surviving knight..." he'd grin.

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